Contributions by James Christen Steward, Deborah Willis, Kellie Jones, Richard Cándida Smith, Lowery Stokes Sims.
Betye Saar, born in Los Angeles in 1926, emerged in the 1960s as a powerful figure in the redefinition of African American art. Over the past forty years, she has injected African American visual histories into mainstream visual culture by blending spiritual, political, and cultural iconography to create complex works with universal impact. This beautifully illustrated book accompanies an exhibition of Saar's work, showcasing the extraordinary depth and breadth of her achievement. It provides multiple vantage points from which to gain a richer understanding of Saar's career, American art of the 1960s, feminism, contemporary art, and California culture and politics.
Published in conjunction with the exhibition Betye Saar: Extending the Frozen Moment, University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Michigan (October 15, 2005 - January 8, 2006); Norton Museum, West Palm Beach, Florida (March 18 - June 11, 2006); Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (September 8 - December 3, 2006).
Published by University of California Press, Berkeley, California, 2005
Format: Hardcover, 9.3 x 12.2 inches / 176 pages / color images throughout
ISBN: 9780520246621
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